Snail's Guide for Making a Website!

I know quite a few friends who want to make a Neocities website, but are intimidated by all the coding, so I thought I would make a template and guide to make things easier!

Please keep in mind that I'm also pretty new to this (I started making my website on May 20, 2024), so some of my methods might not be the best, but this guide is based off what's worked for me! and I'll edit it if i learn more :)

Getting Started

Make a Neocities account and log in! Go to the dashboard, then click "Edit site".

In the home folder, there will be a file called index.html. This is the code for the first page people will see when they go to your website. It's usually the home page!

You'll also want to make a new file called "style.css". This file is for making the default appearance for the pages, including layout, fonts, and colors.

First, let's focus on the home page. To get you started, I turned my website's code into a blank template, so you can use it for yourself! (but if you want to make your own, this layout builder is pretty popular and is how I started making mine!)

If you're using my template, you'll also want to make files called "sidebar-left.html", "sidebar-right.html" and "load.js".

Here's the code for all those files. Just delete the default text in your files, and copy and paste this in!